Keyvan Shovir Mural San Fransisco
Keyvan Shovir Mural Work Featured in Sense8 Netflix Series

During the time I have spent in San Francisco, Clarion Alley has been one of the hottest spots I’ve done several mural projects. From “Women with Hidden Strength” to “Peace Kids” all have been delivered on this alley.

One of my latest works which I did, called “We Want Peace”, has been featured on the new Netflix series Sense8 by the same people who did “The Matrix”.

The project got featured on Sense8 was based and inspired by Persian traditional painting (نگارگری). It faces few numbers of Iranian activists (like Nasrin Sotoudeh) and artists who’ve been jailed at the time of the project.

Please watch this video:
The patterns in this painting are rooted in Middle Eastern art and contemporary arts. My main idea on this mural painting was to build a connection between Middle Eastern and traditional Iranian arts to American street arts, especially the Bay area art movement.

Clarion Alley is undoubtedly an iconic place in street art of California. And this is featured in the second episode of Sense8. Under most circumstances, the management does not give permission to use footage from the alley; however, in this case it was decided to make an exception.

You can see the series here.
Also, I have enclosed more photos of my works in the alley. Please have a look and share it if you liked it: